Bold and underline in Facebook chat n lots of smileys and emoctions ~ ® Faltu Stuff
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Friday, May 13, 2011

Bold and underline in Facebook chat n lots of smileys and emoctions

Here’s a short guide to doing bold and underline in Facebook chat. It’s pretty simple, but can add some good emphasis to your conversations. They haven’t added different fonts in Facebook chat yet, but they probably will soon. The formatting in FB is similar to Google Talk’s bold and underline system.

Text Formatting

To make your text bold, place it between two asterisk characters.
*faltu stuff* will display in Facebook Chat as: faltu stuff
To underline your text, place it between two underscore characters.
_faltu stuff_ will display  in Facebook Chat as: faltu stuff
To underline and make bold, place the text between both asterisk and underscore characters.
_*faltu stuff*_ will display in Facebook Chat as: faltu stuff

Smile:) or :-) or :] or =)
Frown:( or :-( or :[ or =(
Tongue:p or :-p or =P
Grin:D or :-D or =D
Gasp:O or :-O or :o or :-o
Wink;) or ;-)
Glasses8) or 8-) or B) or B-)
Sunglasses8| or 8-| or B| or B-|
Grumpy>:( or >:-(
Unsure:/ or :-/ or :\ or :-\
Devil3:) or 3:-)
AngelO:) or O:-)
Kiss:* or :-*
ConfusedO.o or o.O
Upset>:O or >:-O or >:o or >:-o
Colon Three:3
Robot *:|]
Putnam *:putnam:
Shark *(^^^)
Penguin * (Added 17 Sept 09)<(")
So there you have it! The emoticons marked with an asterix are not contained in the normal CSS sprites, and therefore are hidden as far as we are concerned.

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